Rod has collectively over 30 years experience within the music industry both as a performer and a writer. Originally from Adelaide, Rod played in various bands including, “Vampyre” and “Curfew”.
In 1976 Rod moved to Western Australia and commenced as a performer in bands known as “Geoff Brownrigg and the Main Title Band”, “Grapevine”, “Curfew”, “FM”, “Laser Blades” and “Tequila Sunrise” where they became very well known around the Perth scene and on one occasion, profiled on a television program of the time known as “Good Morning Perth”. Rod then went on to become a soloist and performed all over Perth and in regional WA.
In 2000 Rod was asked to become a member of the “Pearl Coast Band” who were reputed as being one of the “hardest working little bands” in WA and were featured on an episode of the ABC’s “New Dimensions” in 2003. “Pearl Coast” were well known mostly as a touring band over regional Western Australia and developed quite a reputation for their professionalism and ability to perform to a high standard a variety of popular music ranging from the 70’s to present day. They also supported such bands as “The Zep Boys” at recent events in Perth and became a regular support band for the “Jimmy Barnes” regional tours early in 2004.
During this time Rod was also asked to step into the well-known Perth rock band, “JETS” and participated as one of the guitarists in performances at the “Raffles Hotel” in 2001 and 2002.
With the amicable disbandment of “Pearl Coast” in 2004 following one of the member’s desire to return home to the East Coast, Rod wished to return to his previously successful solo show and also wanted to develop his recording studio where he produces various forms of music media including jingles, backing tracks and commercials for radio, television, web pages and so on.
In terms of solo performances, Rod has played many successful private and support gigs, including with Ross Wilson, Daryl Braithwaite and the Buddy Holly and Dr Hook tribute shows. He has also been a regular act performing after games for the Subiaco Football Club. In recent years Rod was also asked to join the INXS Tribute Perth Band where he was the lead guitarist and assists with production in his studio. Since then the band has disbanded. Rod recently was the lead guitarist in the B52s Tribute Band - "The Rock Lobsters" - just for something different and a bit of fun.
This brings us to the point where Rod is at now and where he will progress from. Rod plays a variety of music including easy listening acoustic or electric bistro style and can also deliver a wide variety of classic and commercial rock.
So having been made familiar with Rod’s background; you now know the credentials of someone who has been a part of the Australian music industry most of his life.
If you need the services of a quality professional with access to many forms of music medium be it for a live performance or to develop your marketing potential, – look no further.